Who We Are

About Us

In September 2022, at the beginning of the new Shmita cycle that spans the Jewish years 5783 to 5790, we (David and Marina) both felt an urgency to help equip the body of Messiah with the Word of God to prepare for our Lord’s soon return. God deposited a burning desire in our hearts to expand the scope of David’s teachings from home groups and private online Bible studies to a more accessible public platform. Besides publishing David’s book “Messiah Son of David: The Timelines of His Comings” on May 5, 2023, the Lord also inspired us to launch this website so that those who have never known us can easily access our Bible teachings and the many wonderful revelations God blessed us with through this platform.

Our Beliefs

We believe God’s Word is a powerful sword for His people (Hebrew 4:12). It is the way to know Him, His heart, and His Kingdom (John 1:1,2,14; Hebrew 11:3).  His Word sanctifies us (1 Timothy 4:5). We can discern and defeat our enemies through exercising it (Psalm 149:6,7). His Word is a lamp to our feet and a light to our path (Psalm 119:105). Yeshua says: “It is written, man shall not live by bread alone, but by every Word of God” (Luke 4:4). This means we need to “eat” and “digest” (meditate) the Word of God daily and must diligently study it. This is an action that no pastor, preacher, prophet, or teacher can replace. We believe that the Word of God has layers of revelations (Psalm 12:6). Only through diligent study and meditation will we find the hidden treasures with the Holy Spirit’s guidance. God has embedded many hidden secrets in the original languages of the Scriptures (Hebrew and Aramaic) that no translated versions can adequately render. By decoding the original texts, believers can have a breakthrough understanding of the Word of God and become intimate with our King and our Lord, who calls us into our destinies!


Even though the latter part of the End Times is upon us and the footsteps of the Messiah are approaching, many believers are confused with the prophetic messages of the Bible, such as the Book of Revelation, the Book of Daniel, and other Books of the Prophets. Many avoid in-depth Bible studies because of the lack of accurate understanding and interpretations. As a result, the Body of Messiah is ill-prepared for what lies ahead. Hosea 4:6 warns: “My people perish from lack of knowledge.” The Church needs accurate teachings about the End Time and the Lord’s soon return, especially on messages that God deposited in the mouth of the Prophets (OT & NT) in the Scriptures relating to OUR time. We are thankful that the Lord raised scholars, theologians, and commentators throughout the years, even though they had in-part-revelations, and some of their works are incomplete or inaccurate. Nevertheless, they laid down valuable foundations for seekers to learn and build upon. As beneficiaries of such good works, and with God’s continuous gracious revelations to us over the years, it is our mission to pick up the baton to help the people of God with in-depth Bible teachings so that those who seek can find a blueprint and a roadmap to meditate on the Scriptures and show themselves approved.

Our ministry logo:
The lion, the ox, and the Shofar

Come Messiah ministry is focused on the two comings of the Messiah with an emphasis on His soon return. At His first coming, the Messiah came as a Suffering Servant to die for our sins and offer the world salvation. The New Covenant He introduced in the Last Supper also forms the basis for mankind to reign and rule with Him in the Millennium and beyond. Even though Yeshua is known as the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world (John 1:29; Revelation 5:6), He is also known as the Aleph (א) and Tav (ת), the Beginning and the End, who is and who was and who is to come (Revelation 1:8; Revelation 22:13). Aleph is the first letter and Tav the last letter in the Hebrew Alphabet. In the original Hebrew Script, the Aleph resembled an ox’s head, while the Tav was represented by two crossed sticks, embedding the meaning of the Leader (ox) on the cross.

Yeshua’s mission at His first coming was fulfilled when He was nailed to the cross. Ezekiel saw the four living creatures who supported and guarded the throne of God. Each living creature had four faces. One face had the appearance of a man, one of a lion, one of an ox, and one of an eagle, which points to the four offices of the Messiah as the Judge, King, High Priest, and Prophet. Ezekiel says explicitly that the lion’s face was on the right side, and the ox’s on the left (Ezekiel 1:10). The left side is always associated with the West, where the sun goes down. The West direction is associated with the accomplished work of Messiah on the cross. For these reasons, the ox’s head on our ministry logo speaks of the Messiah’s first coming.

The Lion’s head, in turn, speaks of His coming as the King (Genesis 49:9-10; Revelation 5:5). In Ezekiel’s vision, the lion’s face was on the right (Ezekiel 1:10). The right side is associated with the East, where the sun rises. His second coming is frequently tied to the East (Zechariah 14:4), which speaks of a new day (7th day) when the Millennium begins. This is why our logo has the lion’s head on the right.

The ox’s head contains violet and indigo colors because they are linked to the Spirit of the Knowledge and Fear of YHVH. This Spirit pair is associated with the High Priest. The blue and green colors in the lion’s head speak of the Spirit of Counsel and Might of YHVH, tied to the King’s office. The Spirit of YHVH is red, and in the lion’s mane is the hidden Hebrew word יהוה יבוא, which translates as “YHVH will come.” YHVH is the Hebrew Tetragram which refers to “Jehovah.”

The Shofar in our logo is the prophetic voice God has given to this ministry to announce His soon return. The Shofar blow also served as a warning sound from approaching danger. The Messiah’s return is preceded by the tribulation period. It is time for believers to bring their house in order and prepare for what lies ahead.  

These scriptural relationships can be studied more deeply in the book “Messiah Son of David: The Timelines of His Comings” which can be ordered here.